Jumat, 27 Mei 2011


       MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that is distributed free under GPL (General Public license). Where everyone is free to use, but should not be used as a commercial derivative product.       MySQL is a derivative of one of the main concepts in the database for a long time, namely SQL (Stuctur Query Language). SQL is a database operation concept, especially for species selection and data entry, the possibility of operating data easily done automatically. Reliability of a database system (DBMS) can be known of how the optimizer in the process of SQL commands, which are made by users and application programs as a database server. This proved to query performed by single-user, the speed of MySQL Query can be ten times faster than PostgreSQL and five times faster than the interbase.@ MySQL PrivilegesAs a database server that has a modern concept, MySQL has many privileges.Here are some features that are owned by MySQL, namely:1. PortabilityMySQL can run stable in a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OSX Server, and others.2. Open Source MySQL distributed source shift gears, so it can be used freely.3. MultiuserMySQL can be used by multiple users at the same time without having problems.This allows a database server MySQL client can be accessed simultaneously.4. Performance TuningMySQL has a high speed in handling queries, with In other words more SQL can process per unit time.5. Column Types32MySQL has a very complex type of column, such as signed / unsigned integer, float, double, char, varchar, blob, time, timestamp, year, sets, and enum.6. Comand and FunctionMySQL has a full service and functionality that supports SELECT and WHERE commands in Query.7. SecurityMySQL has a layer of security such as the level Subnet, host name, and user access permission and with a detailed mperizinan and password unencrypted.8. Scalabilitas and LimitMySQL can handle large-scale databases, with the number of records more than 50 million and 60 million and 5 billion rows table. In addition, the limit that can fit index reached 2 index on each table.9. Connectivity MySQL can connect with a client using TCP / IP, Unix Socet (UNIX), or Named Pipes (NT).10. Detection of localization error message on the client by using more than 20 languages.11. Interface
Interface to various applications and programming languages ​​with using the function API (Application Programming Interface). 
12. Client and Tools Equipped with a variety of tools that can be used for database administration, and on any tools that will include instructions online.13. Stuctur TableTable structures are more flexible in dealing ALTEK TABLE, compared to other databases such Oracle or PostgreSQL.

the new version is MySQL 5. Available at www.mysql.com

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